Salad for CAESAR II ©
Salad works with pipe stress analysis data from CAESAR II by Hexagon, to help you prepare ancillary reports and calculations. It can even work as a ‘bridge’ to your existing or new spreadsheets. Salad can also be used for standalone calculations as an alternative to spreadsheet or math applications.
Template scripts are provided to do the following:
- Generate an Excel spreadsheet summarising your calculation on one sheet, including maximum stresses, displacements, weight sag, nozzle loads, springs, load cases and major input data. This is a great way to do a quick ‘sanity check’ on your model.
- Acoustically induced vibration check of your piping system, accounting for multiple sources and decay with distance. These calculations can be very time consuming to do manually, especially for multiple sources.
- API 610 check for all your load cases at once.
- Do a local stress check on all trunnions in your model in one go. If you have modelled the trunnions in your stress model, just tell Salad the restraint numbers and let it do the rest.
- Generate an API 617 compressor nozzle load summation for 10 load cases at a time.
- Generate a restraint summary in local co-ordinates. Great time saver for pipelines and skewed piping runs.
- Carry out a wall thickness calculation using the CAESAR II Material Database.
- And more
You can customise any Salad script to your own needs (unlock using password ‘Xtrados’) and save it as a User Template.
The software is free to use and available to download below:
Last updated: 08 October 2023
- Windows 7 SP2 to Windows 11
- CAESAR II v4.5 upward (works for versions up to at least 13 but not fully QA tested since v8 – please do your own sanity checks on the outputs)
You don’t need admin rights. Download the zip file, then right click on it, choose ‘Properties” and tick “Unblock”.
Unzip the file to a location of your choosing such as ‘Documents’, and double click on Salad.exe to run.

Energy Institute Guidelines Errata
The errata associated with the 2008 EI Guidelines LoF calculation for Acoustically Induced Vibration is addressed in the current version.
Exporting Data from CAESAR II for use in Salad
Use the Data Export Window and choose ‘Quick Xml Export’. Alternatively you can go through the Wizard and reduce the load cases selected.

Note: we find that in later versions of CAESAR, you need to select “OK” when asked if you want to open the created file, otherwise the output XML file doesn’t get created. Depending on the Salad script being used, we need both the “_INPUT.XML” and “_OUTPUT.XML” files.

Tutorial 1 – Data Export from CAESAR
Tutorial 2 – Scripting
Tutorial 3 – AIV
AIV Discussion Paper – Dissipation at fittings
We can help you to resolve issues and get the most out of the software. Please contact us if you’d like to discuss paid support or customisation.